[If you right click your mouse and open the image in a new tab; you will see a larger image.]

Yellow Janis Joplin - art by R. Crumb

The original prints came in a verity of different colours and were double sided, I have seen grey and green Versions sold for a tidy $1,500.00 each, this is still one of my favourite all time blotters. I have seen a white one sided reprint, original blotters are double sided.

Alice Through The Looking Glass

Green Through The Looking Glass, circa 1990’s, said to have been clean and strong, one of a series of prints created by Mark McCloud, featuring illustrations by John Tenniel, with a central image of Alice entering and emerging through a large mirror. The verso prints the image in reverse, they came in greenish, Copper/Beige, blue and the rare red ones were said to be 1000µg, These are the original brownish 1st print, very thin paper and mine has trouble perforations, re-prints are said to be lighter and are more cream and green colour. starting to get harder to find but still can be bought for about £50.00, rarer colours for about £250.00.


Alien Girl

Blotter depicts a four-way hit that was originally issued circa 1992; also called 'Liquid Sky' alluding to the movie, and the New York City skate board shop, this blotter was a common sight at raves at the time.

Original: A very plush red blotter with a purple Alien Girl

Re-print: blotter on red paper, black shinny Alien Girl


Angels or Cherubs, or Angels & Cherubs, this is another classic by Mark McCloud, printed as a block of 1000 tabs, circulated late 90’s early 00’s, reports  are mixed, some weak, some strong and some circulated dipped with RC’s. this blotter can be bought anywhere between $10-100. 

This print is signed by some of "The MERRY PRANKSTERS”


These also went by the name ‘Knights Templar’, they are said to have been created by Barrie Bonds aka Kevin Barron, who was one of the most prolific producers of blotter from the late 1980's thru the early 1990's, printed in metallic ink, there are few different variations of colours and designs in circulation, all variations are said to have been clean and strong. A handful of Shield blotters were signed by Albert Hofmann and Timothy Leary in 1994, as you can guess these blotters are worth a fortune. 

This blotter is signed by both Albert Hofmann and Timothy Leary... inscribed to Albert Hofmann, very rare and very expensive [image taken from]

Felix The Cat

This is a shard from a re-print of a classic design, which is now out of circulation, the original sheets were in circulation from the mid to late 90’s, and came in white, tan, yellow and blue.

Reprinted blotter in blue 

Original blotter in white

BLUE: Reprint it looks washed out compared to the original. The original is printed on turquoise blue paper and the Felix image is black, tongue is bright red.

YELLOW: Most of these in circulation are the vanity reprints. The reprints look faded on flat yellow paper. The Felix image (reprint) is not as detailed and looks washed out. The Felix image on this original is black and the tongue is bright red, the paper is bright banana yellow.

The Mad Hatter

Mark McCloud’s homage to the artist The Pizz, with his classic take on the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland, 7 ½ inches by 7 ½ inches square, and is comprised of 900 1/4inch hits, circulated from the late 90’s – early 00’s, not all releases looked the identically same and may not have been McCloud’s. originals are starting to get harder to find but still can be bought for about £50.00.

There is at least two reprints of this blotter kicking about.

Purple Oms

This classic was being turned out of Amsterdam throughout the 1980's and 90's.

Reprinted blotter

Red Ban the Bombs

Circa 98’, United kingdom, they were fucking mind blowing, nuff said! 

Reprinted blotter

Beavis & Butthead Psychedelic Experience

Mark McCloud's Beavis & Butthead Psychedelic Experience all over the USA in 1994 original print of 100 tabs. This blotter has been re-printed many times by different people over the years. The original is on a very thin card and is a cream colour on both sides. I have seen originals for sale ranging from a £120-£220, there are a few kicking about that are signed by Timothy Leary and go for around $700.00. 

Original blotter, note the printing.

[Image taken from a PDF and not from the original blotter]

This was sold to me as an original about 10 years ago, but have a close look at the poorer printing and the smaller perforations compered to the original above.

I have seen cheaper reprints of this blotter; these are printed on white paper and are very poor in quality compared to the originals. 

German reprint 

Fat Freddy's Cat

Fictional orange tomcat belonging to Fat Freddy Freekowtski, one of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, Europe late 90’s, there was warnings published by the police concerning the strength of this blotter, suggested to have been as high as 350µg a tab, but mostly rated between 200-250µg.

Reprinted blotter

Reprinted blotter

Electric Bolt

Bolts printed in silver metallic ink on very thin blue paper, sheet consists of 704 electrifying squires, circa 90’s. blotter comes up from time to time on the net and is priced from £50-60.

Shields With Weaves

Circa 1990’s, mixed reports on strength, some say weak and some strong,i have seen this blotter for sale on the internet for $500.


Blotter circa Early 90's originating from the east coast/ New York city hub, released at the same time as the Fried eggs - cellular blotter.

Red Yin Yang

Appeared in Europe round the late 90’s, printed on thin ribbed paper, clean but only moderately dosed.

Back showing the horizontal rids.

Old Polaroid 69' type of seven red Yin yang’s from summer 99'. 


Strawberries one of the most popular blotters of the 80's & 90's in the UK and Europe, originals were printed on similar ribbed paper as the red Yin Yang’s above, that circulated in the late 90’s.    

Reprinted blotter

Reprinted blotter

Vertigo Op Art [Blue]

Vertigo Op Art ‘blue’ and there was also a sister print which came in turquoise, both were kicking about in the 90’s.

Bart Simpson

Re-print: Bart Simpson on thin white paper


Circa 2000, Europe, both standard 1/4” sized tabs and 1” sized tabs were in circulation, both with the same picture, sunflowers were available from the late 90’s to the early 00’s, apparently there was a club night in London called "Sunflowers" at the same time which used this design as it's flyer. Sunflowers rated at 120-150µg.

Sadly this is only a cheap German reprint

Fractal Sun

Vanity blotter printed for Thomas Lyttle, this print circulated dipped in the early 1990’s, and is said to have reappeared in the summer of 2003, United States.

Fractal Coast

Vanity blotter printed for Thomas Lyttle, this print did circulate dipped for a bit in 1995.

Skully/Lowrider or Monster

One of Mark McCloud’s dirty dozen; this blotter seemed to known by a number of names, Skully Lowrider, Monster, green goblins, screaming demons and green monsters, circulated late 90’s, said to have been good clean fun.

If anyone has any different samples of this subject I would be interested in purchasing one or two tabs for the index, vintage and contemporary, any condition, please let me know!


  1. Any idea on the mic content of the '90s Strawberries & Purple Om's? Had some absolutely fabulous nights on those. Mick Jagger's Lips / Rolling Stones logo & Dancing Test Tubes though were a total mindblower, I took of the latter 3 one night in '93, tasted colour and it lasted about 20 hours haha :)

  2. Can anyone remember the early 90s White Blotter sheets with Red or Blue Heiroglyps, one per square? They were intense! Found in BC regularly, when we didn't have white only sheets. Anyone know of these?

  3. Those metallic inked shields or what we used to call "coat of arms" in the early 90's was the best acid ever!!!! Super clean. Super fun. Almost no comedown. That was the absolute bench mark for quality acid.

  4. Any ideas on the mic content on the purple ohms, did so many of those, blue tulips, pink Floyd the wall blotters, judge dread shields, strawberrys, red n black stars, dancing test tubes, Welsh dragon smoking a chillum

  5. I made the shields along with Kevin..Kevin did the paper for first few runs Kevin came up with design I provided and often layed (when the space man bailed) good times ..hello Kevin would love a pint x
